This page is focused on visual art inspiration. You could used a drawing
prompt, or maybe you want to try a drawing challenge. If you want to try drawing apps or
products, I can help you there too!
2020 Drawing Challenges
Finding reasourses for making good art is sometimes difficult. So I'll
suggest some resources for traditional and digital art for you to use!
Ibis Paint is a free to use app with a lot of useful tools.
It's easy to use and easy to learn how to use. There is in-app
purchases, either to unlock the rest of the tools (which can also be unlocked by watcing an ad)
or to remove the ad sitting at the top of your screen. It doesn't require wifi or data to use
or even a signal. You can draw anytime you feel like it. The best features of Ibis Paint
would be it's layer options, all the useful tools, and the easy accessibility. Some things
that could be fixed would be the where they place the ads, some of the tool functions, and
slow updates. Even though those things can be irritating, they're really minor, overall, this is
a great app to use and I highly recommend it.